Monday, February 6, 2012

They're doing what with the Watchmen?

With all the hoopla regarding the Watchmen prequels I’ve been thinking about some comics and characters that are considered sacred but are worth reviving.

The Lost Journey’s of Destruction: This mini-series wouldn’t explain why Dream’s younger brother abdicated his realm, but rather explore his adventures. It would be fascinating to see how this character reacted to some of the most destructive parts of world history and his reaction to how everything turned out.

The New Gods: I know this series and concept has been revived more times then I care to remember. However I would twist it and have it told from Darkseid’s point of view.

Sin City: I admit that I’m a huge Frank Miller mark. With exception to his view on the Occupy movement I love every comic he’s produced. Sin City is the book all of his other works have been leading up to. It’s time to let other crime writers like Ed Brubaker and Brian Michael Bendis to see what they can add to the mythos of this amazing series.

The Invisibles: I dare say that this series was pretty close to perfection. I’d love to see what other creators could bring to the table by focusing on different Invisible cells throughout history.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Another Reason To Run For Office

I like to drink and drive as much as the next person. There's a thrill I get when driving between blackouts. Sadly doing that is illegal and if caught could result in suspension of your drivers license and possible prison time. I don't know about you, but I'm to fragile for hard time. However I think I've found a way to get behind the wheel after boozing it up, and that's to become a Colorado State Rep.

In Colorado they have an obscure law where elected officials are immune from prosecution if they are between "legislative events"

I guess it's true that in Colorado with great power you have no responsibility for you actions. How awesome is that?

England Used To Be Cool

Back in the day the isle of Great Britain gave us the Beatles, Punk Rock, The Young Ones, Queen and a plethora of other things awesome. But that’s ended. They have no given the world something incredibly lame that I know it’s going to catch on like wildfire. That thing is called Marryoke. And I’m pretty sure it’s a sign of the coming apocalypse.